Behind Her Eyes Review


*Warning – There are spoilers in this article.

Outside of the big reveal at the end of ‘Behind Her Eyes’, it didn’t really live up to the hype that helped propel the buzz for this series. Having watched this series a few weeks ago I think I have just now figured out what bugged me while watching it. It’s based on a 2017 book of the same name, but how this series was executed you wouldn’t think it had material to reference from.

I’m never a big fan of waiting until the last minutes of a series for a big pay off as I believe it means that there wasn’t much of a story to tell in the first place. As a viewer I want to be kept engaged from the beginning and right through to the end so that I feel fully emerged within the story. ‘Behind Her Eyes’ was too much of a slow burner and the drawn out mysteriousness of Adele and David became one note by episode three.

It would have been better if the twist was revealed by episode two so that there was more time to play around with the astral projection that was introduced. The astral projection plays a big part in this series, but its usage was very underwhelming and was out of place being that there isn’t any other spiritual elements featured. Maybe if we knew about Rob’s intentions earlier we could have really enjoyed his evilness and projections while he sets up how he’s going to get rid of his next victim.

There needed to be more character development to make the love triangle believable. The chemistry between David and Adele came across as if they never liked each other to begin with and it would have been great to have better insight into why David strayed away. The affair with David and Louise came across as forced and unsexy and I couldn’t quite grasp if their affair was supposed to be the ideal romance as it was really lacklustre.

Something that really bothered me was how Louise’s character was written. As a black woman there were subtleties that were missed that made her character not relatable. Things such as how her hair was styled was absolutely terrible. UK production companies need to make more of an effort to hire hairstylists that can style hair for black people as it never looks good on camera. Honestly speaking as a black person we tend to mind our own business when it comes to other peoples bizarre behaviour. It would have been entertaining if Louise was a tad inquisitive and while trying to get away from the couple a chase and fight ensues between her and Adele (Rob) because David is madly in love with Louise.

Maybe this series would have worked better as a stand alone film where it’s told in a two hour time frame. Six episodes was far too long to tell this story and it was very evident with the many filler episodes to help drag us to the reveal. The production company that made this series also makes ‘The Crown’ so I feel like more could have been done for it to be more engaging. Should ‘Behind Her Eyes’ return for a second season I doubt I will be tuning in.

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