TV Shows to Watch This Week

W/C 29th March 2021


Tina – HBO

A farewell documentary to her fans as she wants to spend the next chapter in her life in private, this documentary recounts the life and career of Tina Turner. We hear first hand through Tina, her friends and kids about her younger years, her abusive marriage to Ike Turner and her successful comeback after her divorce.

With archive footage and audio tapes from previous interviews, we learn of the severity of abuse Tina endured during her marriage and the impact it had on her post marriage. We also see footage of her incredible live performances which reinforce how influential she has been to the modern day pop artists. This is a fantastic documentary which I highly recommend watching.

Available on Sky Documentaries and Now TV

Kid 90

Kid 90 – Hulu

Throughout the ’90’s actress Soleil Moon Frye took her video camera everywhere and filmed her friends during their most casual moments. After many years she decided to make a documentary that shines a light on her and her friends during their teenage and young adult years. With so much footage to view I think it’s safe to say Soleil was one of the original lifestyle influencers. It is also a great reminder to document the candid moments in your life.

Soleil was friends with many child actors of the ’90’s so all the home videos showcases what these young stars were getting up to in their spare time. We learn that as child actors they had to grow up fast and the many pressures they faced which led to some tragic deaths. While watching this documentary you’ll see that some of the conversations are very reminiscent to the topics in ‘Framing Britney’ and hopefully this will spark a bigger conversation about child stars in Hollywood.

Currently not available in the UK

Waffles + Mochi

Waffles + Mochi – Netflix

This series carries on the legacy that Michelle Obama started during her time as First Lady where she started an initiative to get children to eat healthier foods. ‘Waffles + Mochi’ follows the titular characters on their journey to eating healthily. It’s similar to Sesame Street with humans and puppets interacting and educating each other.

Each episode centres on a different type of ingredient including herbs and spices, produce and water. The series is great with keeping you engaged such as visiting restaurants you may be intrigued to visit yourself and preparing dishes that you can try at home. It’s so cute and very informative for both children and adults that it will help you form a better relationship with healthy foods.

Available on Netflix


Genera+ion – HBO Max

This series is tailored for those who are gen z. Following a group of high schoolers in Orange County, California we see these teens exploring their sexuality and friendships. As they are part of a new generation their outlook in life is much different to the generations that came before them.

The themes in ‘Genera+ion’ is quite similar to ‘Euphoria’ which made me surprised the HBO have commissioned two series with an identical premise and set in the same state. This series won’t resonate with everyone, but if you are under the age of 23 then you may really enjoy this show. There are some moments that feel as if the writers are trying a bit too hard to prove that this series is for those who love Tik Tok and memes. However I hope as the series progresses the writing will become more settled.

Currently not available in the UK

Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty – ABC

Over the last couple weeks I have been rewatching ‘Ugly Betty’ and this show is such a gem. The series follows Betty Suarez as she tries to navigate the fashion world as an assistant at Mode Magazine. Betty’s fashion style and personality contrast vastly to her work environment that she initially has a hard time working at Mode. Outside of her work life we also get to know her family and the scenarios they get up to as well.

This series has actually aged very well (minus the trans jokes) that it makes me wish that we had more series like this on tv right now. It is both hilarious and overdramatic which will keep you entertained throughout.

Available on Disney+

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