What to Watch this Week

W/C 28th June 2021 It's been a while since my last post. The girl who watches tv has been tied up making tv shows so my free time has been very limited. I've finally had a chance to indulge in a few film and tv shows this week that I think you will enjoy too.... Continue Reading →

What to Watch This Week

W/C 3rd May 2021 New month, new tv shows to watch. This month is filled with many returning series and brand new ones too. Below I have put together six tv shows that you definitely do not want to miss out on this week. They will be sure to keep you entertained, invested and well... Continue Reading →

TV Shows to Watch This Week

W/C 29th March 2021 Tina Tina - HBO A farewell documentary to her fans as she wants to spend the next chapter in her life in private, this documentary recounts the life and career of Tina Turner. We hear first hand through Tina, her friends and kids about her younger years, her abusive marriage to... Continue Reading →

It’s a Sin Review

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Let me start this review by saying that this is possibly one of the best tv shows to come out this year (yes I know it's only January). 'It's a Sin' is a five part series that covers the beginning of the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the UK. Spanning over a ten year... Continue Reading →

Sister Sister Review

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ When Netflix UK announced that they were adding three black American 90's sitcoms to their service I couldn't contain my excitement. 'Sister Sister' was a show I remember vividly and cherished greatly growing up. To be able to have the chance to watch it again I was compelled to see how it had aged... Continue Reading →

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