
There's nothing like a good documentary to sit down to and immerse yourself into a world that doesn't reflect your reality. The below documentaries I'm recommending to you range from intimate stories of huge musicians, homelessness in the US and the fashion industry. Each documentary will be sure to leave an impressionable mark on you.... Continue Reading →

Top Five Picks of the Week

W/C 3rd January 2022 Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year brings you good vibes, good blessings and good tv shows. 2021 and 2022 marks the end of many beloved tv shows and hello to many new ones that we will fall in love with. Below I've put together my top 5 favourite programmes... Continue Reading →

What to Watch this Week

W/C 28th June 2021 It's been a while since my last post. The girl who watches tv has been tied up making tv shows so my free time has been very limited. I've finally had a chance to indulge in a few film and tv shows this week that I think you will enjoy too.... Continue Reading →

What to Watch This Week

W/C - 24th May 2021 The weather this past week has been awful and it hasn't been enticing to leave the house. Luckily this week has seen the return of a few series which I'm sure you'll enjoy as much as I have. Below I have listed some comedies, dramas and documentaries that will be... Continue Reading →

What to Watch This Week

W/C 3rd May 2021 New month, new tv shows to watch. This month is filled with many returning series and brand new ones too. Below I have put together six tv shows that you definitely do not want to miss out on this week. They will be sure to keep you entertained, invested and well... Continue Reading →

TV Shows to Watch This Week

W/C 29th March 2021 Tina Tina - HBO A farewell documentary to her fans as she wants to spend the next chapter in her life in private, this documentary recounts the life and career of Tina Turner. We hear first hand through Tina, her friends and kids about her younger years, her abusive marriage to... Continue Reading →

Documentaries of Behind the Music

For all the music lovers that have ever been curious about the stories behind some of our favourite songs and artists, be sure to watch the amazing documentaries below. They will be sure to enlighten and surprise you. 20 Feet From Stardom 20 Feet from Stardom - RADiUS-TWC Exploring the stories of backup singers from... Continue Reading →

TV Shows I’ve Watched Recently

22nd February - 1st March 2021 Are you itching for something new to watch this week? Check out these shows below which I have both discovered and rediscovered this week. Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell - Netflix Speaking to The Notorious B.I.G's nearest and dearest we... Continue Reading →

Fake Famous Review

⭐️⭐️⭐️ 'Fake Famous' is documentary that sets out to do an experiment with three regular people (an actress, fashion designer and real estate assistant) to see if they can become famous influencers. With exploration into some of the methods influencers use to boost their following, this experiment implements these tactics to see if they are... Continue Reading →

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