Euphoria Season Two Review

⭐️⭐️⭐️ **Spoilers Ahead** Like so many people I really looked forward to the return of Euphoria. The amazing soundtrack, the mesmerising cinematography and strong themes were major pulling points to what made this series so popular. Even though season two continued with all of these aspects, I cannot help but think it has lost its... Continue Reading →

TV Shows to Watch This Week

W/C 29th March 2021 Tina Tina - HBO A farewell documentary to her fans as she wants to spend the next chapter in her life in private, this documentary recounts the life and career of Tina Turner. We hear first hand through Tina, her friends and kids about her younger years, her abusive marriage to... Continue Reading →

TV Shows about the Young People

The thing about watching tv shows about the younger generation is that it gives you a window into how they think and operate. Every generation have a different belief system and that is something to appreciate as we see how far society has come. Below I've put together some of my current favourite series that... Continue Reading →

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